July 2024 Minutes

The July meeting of the Iola Amateur Radio Club was held on July 9th, 2024 In attendance: Steve, Jeremy, Randy, Stan, Donna, Gale, Dale, Doug, Jeff, Bruce, Jarrod Introduced Bruce Symes, who works at the Allen Community College. He was present at field day and isnow interested in becoming licensed. Mr. Symes had determined that … Read more

September 2023 Minutes

The Iola Amateur Radio Club held it’s regular meeting on September 12, 2023. Present were 9 members & guests. August meeting minutes were read and approved. Treasurer’s report was read and approved. Licensing manuals have arrived and are available to check out. These will be used for upcoming training classes as well. We need to … Read more

August 2023 Minutes

The Iola Amateur Radio Club held it’s regular meeting on August 8, 2023. Present were 10 members & guests. Treasurer’s report was read and approved. A post-mortem discussion of Field Day was held. State of the repeater was discussed. It was mentioned that the current battery backup was shot. We will look into options for … Read more

June 2023 Minutes

The Iola Amateur Radio Club held it’s regular meeting on June 13, 2023. Present were 10 members & guests. Minutes of the May meeting were read and approved. Our normal meeting will not be held in July, as the building is being used for another event. Field Day will serve as our July meeting. Trey, … Read more

May 2023 Minutes

The Iola Amateur Radio Club held it’s regular meeting on May 9, 2023. Present were 14 members & guests. Minutes of the April meeting were read and approved. Jeremy discussed the state of the club web site and delays in updates. Also discussed was the upcoming shutdown of the Peerboards forum. Training classes were discussed, … Read more

April 2023 Minutes

The Iola Amateur Radio Club held it’s regular meeting on April 11, 2023. Jeremy agreed to put the PO Box address on the club web site. The treasurer gave a report on the club bank account, which was approved. Steve reported on plans for Field Day, as well as upcoming programs. The 2-meter repeater was … Read more

March 2023 Minutes

The Iola Amateur Radio Club held it’s regular meeting on March 14, 2023. 11 members & guests were present. Stan asked that the members review the Constitution & Bylaws taht are on the club website. They will be adopted at the April meeting. The treasurer gave a report on the club bank account, which was … Read more

February 2023 Minutes

The Iola Amateur Radio Club held it’s regular meeting on February 7, 2023. 14 members & guests were present. The secretary read the minutes of the last meeting, which were approved. The treasurer gave a report on the club bank account, which was approved. We will start adding known state-wide nets onto the club website. … Read more