March 2023 Minutes

The Iola Amateur Radio Club held it’s regular meeting on March 14, 2023. 11 members & guests were present.

Stan asked that the members review the Constitution & Bylaws taht are on the club website. They will be adopted at the April meeting.

The treasurer gave a report on the club bank account, which was approved.

Trey Garland talked about Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES). ARES will provide volunteer support to local police, fire, and emergency authorities during a disaster. He said people with radios are needed to coordinate services. You must be a licensed amateur to be in ARES. There will be a training program and a drill. He plans to schedule a meeting once a month, probably on a Tuesday. Trey handed out applications to join ARES.

It was noted there there is a place on the website under conversations for communication about emergency services.

Steve Green said he has received permission from the city to spend the night at Riverside Park for Field Day, June 24-25, 2023. He said Field Day is a great showcase to educate the public about Amateur Radio.

It was announced that Randy Stitt has created a Facebook page to buy, sell, and trade radio equipment.

Stan proposed that the club donate $50 to the Bowlus. That will get the club’s name in the program as a supporter of the Bowlus. Moved and seconded to give $50 to the Bowlus Fine Arts Center. Motion passed.

Members were reminded of the Thursday evening 2-meter net.

The meeting was adjourned so members could attend the Storm Fury on the Plains presentation.

NOTE: Due to family issues, our normal secretary was not able to be at the March meeting, and Donna Grigsby was acting secretary for this meeting. THANK YOU DONNA!

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